Patric Scharoff
About Patric
Coach & Supporter for People | Product | Process
Patric started as software developer in the late 90’s. He worked in big enterprises, mid-tier businesses and consulting. His base is a solid fundament in software engineering, enterprise architecture and management.
The last ten years plus, Patric worked intensively with various agile methods and practices on all scaling levels from team to C-level. He recently worked on the implementation of a four dimensional leadership model to effectively combine self-managed teams, management hierarchies, agile leadership and personal development. Business agility and verifiable results remain to be an utmost important factor for the success of every agile implementation for him.
Developing his own skills and those of his circle of influence (in business and private) always was an important motivational factor for him.
Speaker's Session
Scrum@Scale for 30+ teams: Highlight and Limits
Three divisions, 30+ agile teams, the majority working with Scrum since 2014. Synchronized, two-weeks Sprints the teams. Small requirements delivered in-time within a quarter (~85%). Whenever multiple teams need to work on complex requirements, inefficient coordination and long cycle times occurred (3 quarters +). Between Q1 and Q4 2023, I was accountable for a S@S implementation for the entire product unit (30+ teams). The case is about why S@S as scaling framework was choosen, how the implementation was conducted and about strength and pitfalls of S@S. Complementary practices will be mentioned.