Magdalena Niedźwiadek

About Magdalena
Scrum Master at Lufthansa Systems / DEVOPS enthusiast
Introducing Magdalena, currently working as Scrum Master in Lufthansa Systems Poland. Starting her career as Java developer she went through many stages of software development process support, from programmer through project and release management to Scrum Master now. In Lufthansa Systems she works with Lido Flight 4D, which is one of the key Lufthansa Systems products. Being the DEVOPS and Agile frameworks enthusiast, Magdalena supported as Scrum Master several platform projects, like e.g. enabling Lido Flight 4D to go to cloud and also further to operate it under Kubernetes. Magdalena is since November 2022 in Agile Practice that takes the lead for the competence area of “agility” (organization, practices, skills) in Lido Flight 4D.
Speaker's Session
Used by over 125 airline operators worldwide, operating a combined fleet of more than 7,700 aircrafts, Lido Flight 4D is the market leading product for flight planning. The product has been on the market for almost 30 years and is currently in the process of a stepwise renewal. To allow customers an easy migration, Lufthansa Systems has decided to offer the opportunity to run the product in a hybrid mode – which increases the complexity of the transformation as such. Several technical renewals, which also need to be done in a stepwise approach, further increase the challenge of the overall endeavor. Along with the product renewal, a transformation of the organization had to follow to make the changes sustainable. This talk is an open reflection on our journey of transforming both our product - which is a major challenge in itself - and the organization using Scrum@Scale.