Jenny Hentschke

About Jenny

Department Agility Master

After studying computer science, Jenny worked as a software developer, SAP consultant and finally as a key account manager in a large public transport company. In her private life she had been “playing around” with Scrum since 2009. During a CSM training course in 2018, she caught fire completely and quit her current job to work as a Scrum Master.

After a CPO and S@S training, she had a strong desire to return to the large public company and properly scale Scrum so that we could be more economical with public money.

She returned in 2020 and has now been coaching a department for a year and a half.

The results of this reference model team of teams are inspiring the department as well as some teams in the rest of the organisation. Since 2024, Jenny has been the Product Owner of the Agile practice, supporting the agile transformation with her team of Scrum Masters in the (now) Scrum of Scrum of Scrums.

Speaker's Session

Room 3: Expertisium

We revolutionize the IT department of our public transport organization in the heart of the German capital using Scrum@Scale. Our journey began with a transformation into a product-oriented organization, and through the implementation of Scrum@Scale, we have successfully extended the benefits of Scrum across multiple teams, gradually influencing other parts of the organization with agile practices.

In this session, I will provide insights into the real-world challenges we faced and the lessons we learned along the way. I’ll share how the structured cadence of Scrum@Scale events enables us to effectively tackle impediments and continuously improve our planning processes. You'll also hear about common misconceptions we encounter and how we address them.

We'll explore the design of our Scrum@Scale events, who participates, their effectiveness, and potential areas for enhancement. Additionally, I'll discuss the prerequisites that helped us reach this point and what we still need to move forward, focusing on critical aspects like mindset, culture, organizational structure, discipline, priorities, and metrics.

This session is packed with practical insights and aims to foster a discussion on scaling agility in large, complex environments, offering you valuable takeaways for your own organizational journey.